The Most Relaxing Piano Album in the World...Ever!

The Most Relaxing Piano Album in the World...Ever!
These CDs are so much more than I expected! There are the classics you hear on all piano compilations, but also some additions that I've never heard before but really enjoyed. I don't hear background noise on any of the tracks--just pure & simple piano with the ocassional accompaniment of a few other instruments. If you're looking for something to get you to relax or to play during dinner, this is it. As a pianist, I enjoy it even more for those times when I'm not able to play the songs myself!

If you're bothered by stress and insominia, (These days, who isn't?), this music will help. These selections are carefully arranged to follow each other effortlessly and to create a soothing, relaxing mood in the listener without being boring or too bland. Each note falls on the ear with a certain clarity that makes the listener aware of so many degrees of softness and nuance. One selection after the other offers escape from worries and the mundane events of everyday life. Negative thoughts dissolve and nerve endings untangle as gentle, persuasive rhythms redefine the moment. Very nice indeed.

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